Thursday, February 28, 2008


hey I'm tanner.......i think..............yea i am defiantly tanner k so today(Feb.28Th)at school k OK this is my school story for the week k yea so i woke up and got on the bus(i did all the essential stuff)i didn't just get on the bus in my P.J's that would be silly NO k so i was talking to my friend and we got to the school and i went to my locker and yadayadayada i went did classes then LUNCH which was disgusting by the way so i left and i drank my lemonade i buyed and had 6-7 period which is English and I almost blewupshuated(that's my word for the week)Yea i didn't tell all those blogger's out there i will try to post a new thing on this every week and i will tell you my word and it will be a word i herd or made up like blewupshuate or somthing random like that yea so we listend to music in 7th period and i picked my SONG not my nose and it was really cool and we had fun and we voted on the music we liked and yea so yea like tottaly like OH MY GOLLYGOODNESS.. srry preppy moment there...JK really cool and random and yea i like the color orange im going to start writing in orange from now on ORANGE yea go orange its your birthday we gonna party like its your like a rock party like a rockstar party like a rock cause you ta ta told me too party like a rock party like a rockstar party like a rock cause you ta told me too!!!!!!!!!!!!yea aswome song ok my hands and fingers and toes are about to blowupshuate and i will die of blood loss if i don't stop typing i did this all in only 15 min. how cool is that ok adios,bye,see ya, talk to ya later,later,laterz,yea au vuia, joi gin,bye.... bye bye now...bye