Sunday, March 2, 2008


i wonder what it looks like if i changed everyother word to blue....whats a post i think its like a way of keeping someone out get it FENCEPOST hahahahahahah yea so its sunday today becouse its the beginning of the week depending were you are in the world so ...oh talking about the world guess what.....wait..nevermind.....k so my dad went on a mission to New Zealand and he babtised this ladie who came to America and we went sledding(this was like 3 years ago)and it was fun...I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SNOW IT MELTING AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! FLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so i was talking to my friend sierra friday night i we talked untill 2 in the morning it was really we talked!!! ok so i was watching the history channel while i was talkin to sierra and its called battleship 360 i think and it was cool becouse this HUGE ship shot down these cool jap airplains so yea it was AWSOME.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no idea what i should talk about yea


Sierra King said...

I know that no guy likes to hear this but, we need to talk. I have questions and i need answers. Don't worry I'm not gonna break up with you or anything, i just dyingly need to talk to you.

Sierra King said...

Ok just ignore me cause im an idiot. I worry about things to much. I just need 2 chill... anyways luv ur blog and I hope you enjoy your little history japan jets getting shot thing :)